Web Admin: Checklist

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Following any changes to the structure of the website, either from staging or the live site it is prudent to conduct a series of checks to confirm that everything is working as it should be. The following checklist (not exhaustive) should be used as guide for your checks. There are a number of accounts that you can use for testing - they all have a status of 'System' and were created specifically for this sort of thing. Their membership numbers, names and permissions are as follows:

Membership No Name Permissions
123456 Anne Other Member
999990 Tester System Member
999991 Coordinator System Coordinator
999992 Committee System Committee
999993Catherine of Aragon
999994Anne Boleyn
999995Jane Seymour
999996Anne of Cleaves
999997Catherine Howard
999998Katherine Parr

There is also a group 'System Test' that you can play around with too.

Depending on the complexity of any changes and the area or function of the change, you may select the checks appropriate to the change.

Although you can print a printable version of this page from the 'Printable version' link at the bottom of the left hand column menus, there is a much better formatted copy in the MediaWiki folder of the Arda Issues shared drive. It is recommended that you use this one.

Check Item Y/N Check Item Y/N Check Item Y/N
As a Non Member
From the homepage do you get the application form if you click join? Can you join (using the Staging site and Paypal sandbox account)? Can you use the green 'Contact' button on the homepage to email the Secretary?
As a Member
Are you able to log on to the website? Do you see the right menu options on the YMB* Can you register as an Arda user?
Can you edit your profile? Can you view the groups and your own groups? Can you email a coordinator - any one?
Can you contact a committee member? Can you view a video? Can you download a Newsletter?
Do the yellow menu bar links work?
As a Group Coordinator
Do you see the right menu options on the YMB Can you email members from your group? Can you list group emails?
and download them as a csv file? Can you move members to another group? Can you create a subgroup for emailing?
Do you see the number of members, their status and Arda status? Can you add a member to your group? Can you remove a member from your group?
Can you view the contact details of a member? Can you edit the group details? Can you create a new category for Documents?
Or a new Album for images? Can you upload a document? Can you rename a document?
Can you move or delete a document? Can you rename an image? Can you move or delete an image?
Can you manage a waiting list? Can you create a mailing list? Can you manage your groups links?
Can you manage your groups permissions? Can you view Documents from the Coordinators YMB? Can you email other Coordinators from the YMB?
As a Committee Member
Do you see the right menu options on the YMB? Can you email other committee members from the Members tab? Can you view/download documents from the Documents tab?
Can you manage categories? Can you manage images? Can you manage private documents?
Can you manage Public documents? Can you manage other committee permissions? Can you add a group?
Can you edit a group? Can you delete a group? Can you add a member to a group?
Can you remove a member from a group? Can you add a member? Can you edit a member?
Can you change a member's status? Can you renew a member? Can you delete a member?
Can you create the TAM Address list? Can you create the Gift Aid List? Can you unlapse a member?
Can you add a venue? Can you edit a venue? Can you remove a venue?
Can you create a new section for Links? Can you create a new link? Can you email other members of the committee?
Can you list the official emails? Can you create a new link? Can you list the private emails?
Can you create a new category from the Coords menu? Can you rename it? Can you delete it?
Can you upload a document? Can you rename a document? Can you Move copy or sort it?
Can you search for a member from the Members YMB? Can you List members? All and by surname letter. Do the filters work?
Third Age Matters? Posted Newsletter? Gift Aid?
Email address? Can you display a table? Can you download a csv file?
Can you download a xlsx file? Can you expand a group and see a groups members? Can you email a member or members?
Can you create a news item on the homepage?
As Site Admin
Do you see the site admin menu? Can you update the videos? Can you update the help videos?
Can you send a test message? Can you send a test group email? Can you assume an identity?
Can you download the debug log? Can you print a test membership card? Can you test a mailing list?
Can you print the address labels? Can you test the test alert? Can you test the Reply preference?
Can you print the address List? Can you change the background colour? Can you turn on renewals needed - Staging site only!?
Can you lapse members - Staging site only!? Can you check the No of Arda users? Can you access the backend of the WordPress site?
Can you log in to Krystal cPanel? Can you log in to Mailgun? Can you log in to Google Workspace?
Can you ftp to the site?

* YMB - Yellow menu bar

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