Committee: Committee Menu: Manage Members

From the Manage Members tab there are eight sections.
Above the eight sections is a summary of the numbers:
- Current Members.
- Fully paid up members.
- Paid up Associate Members.
- Those not yet renewed.
We will discuss each of the eight sections in turn:
Add New Member
The Add New Member form is almost the same form that a member would complete if they are joining themselves online. (The only difference is that there are no explanation boxes for the options at the end on this form, there are if you are completing the form as a new member yourself).

Mandatory fields are those fields where the field name is show in a bold font.
The only elements that require a little explanation might be those at the end. Tick the 'Gift Aid' checkbox if the member is a UK taxpayer and doesn't mind the u3a claiming some tax back.
In the Options section, enter the name of another u3a if a potential member is wishing to join as an associate. If they wish to receive national publications like Third Age Matters, then tick the 'Receive TAM' checkbox. And if they would prefer to receive the newsletter by post rather than by email, tick the 'newsletter posted' checkbox.
Remember to Click OK at the bottom to save the new member. You will get an acknowledgement that the member has been added successfully or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin).
Edit Member
Expand the Edit Member section to show the initial search options.

Having selected your member you are presented with the same data from the 'Add New Member' form (scroll up to see it). There is one extra field of information that is shown and that is the Membership Number at the top. Please, do not change this, it is created automatically when the member joins and changing it causes confusion!

You can change other information as is necessary. Remember to click OK at the bottom of the form to save your changes. You will get an acknowledgement that the member has been updated successfully or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin).
Change Member Status
You can change the status of a member from one of 5 options:
- Provisional.
- Current.
- Lapsed.
- Retired.
- Deceased.
The Provisional status is for members who have completed the paperwork, but so far have not paid the subscription. They might have joined online but sent a cheque perhaps. "It's in the post!". Until monies have been received, they are not a fully current member and will have no access to join any groups etc.
Current Members are those who have paid for the current subscription year. Payments are received from 1 Jan until a date set by the committee, normally 31 Mar.
If they have not paid by 1 Apr, they become lapsed members. This happens automatically after that date at which point they will no longer have access to the website, nor have right of access to any meetings.
Retired members are those who have retired their membership, normally by informing the membership secretary. He will change their status upon notification.
Deceased members, as we become aware of them, the membership secretary would change their status. As with retired and lapsed members this will ensure that no automatic e-mailings or newsletters are sent to their address.
Changing the status is a simply two part process, first you need to select the member. Either search by name or by membership number.

Then having selected your member, use the drop down box to select the status of the member.

Click 'Set' to save your changes. You will get an acknowledgement that the member has been updated or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin).
Renew Member
It is only possible to renew 'Current' members, you cannot renew a Lapsed member from here. But see Lapsed Members.
Similar to the 'Edit Member', you need to search for your member first.

Only this time when you click the White tick in the black circle (bottom left) to confirm your selection, you not only confirm the selection but carry out the action as well. You will get an acknowledgement that the member has been renewed or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin).

The Members renew date is set for 1 Jan the following year and the 'renewal-needed' flag is set to 0 meaning that they will no longer see the "Your subscription is due for renewal...." banner on the front page when they log into the website.
Delete Member
To delete a member you first need to search for your member. Exactly the same as for previous operations.

Then tick the black and white tick.

Unlike renewing a member you are asked to confirm this time.

If you are happy to delete the member then 'confirm delete' and then you will get a confirmation that the member has been deleted or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin).

Note that the members information will still be in the database and their payment records etc. They are just not visible to you, nor included in any stats. IT Admin would be able to recreate the record if necessary.
TAM Address List
Many of our members tick the 'Receive TAM' checkbox when they join, meaning that they should receive national u3a publications like 'Third Age Matters'. So that the Third Age Trust know who to mail to, you can download an address list to forward to them by clicking the 'download address list' button and saving it to your local computer. See TAM List.

Gift Aid List
As a charity, the u3a are able to claim gift aid on members' subscriptions. HMRC require the necessary details. Select the from and to dates and then download a spreadsheet by clicking the 'download gift aid' button and saving it to your local computer. See Gift Aid.

Lapsed Members
It is possible to resurrect lapsed members. Expand the lapsed members section and then scroll through the records to find the one you want.

Then click the un-lapse button, it goes green as you mouse over it. As in other operations you will get an acknowledgement that the member has been un-lapsed or an error if it has not (In which case contact IT Admin). Now that they are current, it is possible to renew them. See Renew Member.
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